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waiting Room
Both in-office and Telehealth sessions are approximately 45-60 minutes in length. The frequency of sessions is generally 1 time per week to begin, unless an exception is warranted.
1 – For all face-to-face therapy sessions: main office located in Oak Park, Illinois. Parking lot adjacent to the building.
2 – All office sessions are scheduled in advance. When services are established, you will receive a confirmation email from the office with more specific details.
1 – All Telehealth sessions will be conducted according to Illinois state law guidelines. Please make sure that you are located in Illinois during the scheduled appointment. All other questions and guidelines will be reviewed prior to scheduling.
2 – The online platform used is a Hipaa compliant medium which protects the privacy and rights confidentiality rights for all individuals.
3 – Your therapist will give you the information to reach the waiting room. This will be provided in a confirmation and reminder of your scheduled session details, including day, time, and any additional info.
Go to Hippa Regulations.
Go to FAQs.